Long Island Demographics
- Nassau
- Population: 1,339,532
- White: 73.0%
- Black: 11.1%
- Asian: 7.6%
- Hispanic/Latino: 14.6%
- Mixed Race: 2.4%
- Other: 5.9%
- Suffolk
- Population: 1,493,350
- White: 80.8%
- Black: 7.4%
- Asian: 3.4%
- Hispanic/Latino: 16.5%
- Mixed Race: 2.4%
- Other: 5.9%
- The median home value(census.gov)
- Nassau: $480,000
- Suffolk: $343,500
- Homeownership rates
- Nassau: 80.3%
- Suffolk: 79.5%
- The median age is 41.5 years in Nassau and 40.7 in Suffolk. Almost 78% of the population are adults aged 18 or over in both counties. The proportion of females is slightly higher than males in both counties.
- Religion on Long Island
- Catholic: 40%
- Jewish: 12%
- Protestant: 7%
- Not affiliated: 18%