The Long Island Regional Planning Council approved an agreement with the Center for Urban Research, CUNY Graduate Center, to enhance the Long Island Zoning Atlas, a comprehensive online tool which provides detailed information for each of the 1,200 individual zoning districts across Long Island’s 13 towns, two cities, and almost 90+ incorporated villages. The Long… …Continue Reading
Economic Development
Long Island Economic Flood Risk Study
Long Island’s first database providing the economic flood risk threatening Long Island communities The Long Island Regional Planning Council has partnered with LiRo GIS to create a comprehensive database to quantify the economic flood risk threatening Long Island communities. This GIS (Geographic Information Systems) analysis combines FEMA flood plain data, common landmarks (Highways 27 and… …Continue Reading
Long Island Balance of Payments Study
LIRPC’s Balance of Payments Study Shows Nassau and Suffolk Taxpayers Send More Money to State and Federal Governments than the Region Receives in Expenditures. Nassau and Suffolk County taxpayers are sending far more money to Albany and Washington than gets returned to Long Island in the form of government spending – a combined deficit of… …Continue Reading
Multi-family Housing Development Impacts in Long Island Communities: School District Enrollment and Budget Trends
Long Island Regional Planning Council Study Indicates Multi-Family Housing Developments Result in Positive Financial Benefit to School Districts; Not a Driving Factor in Increased Enrollment Multi-family housing developments are not a driving factor in school districts experiencing increasing enrollment and represent a net positive financial benefit to the school districts in which they are situated,… …Continue Reading
Post-pandemic Economy will Result in Major Shifts in Land Use
View the full report HERE As Long Island businesses continue to struggle amid the COVID-19 pandemic—combined with an increasingly challenged brick-and-mortar retail sector prior to the pandemic—land use across Nassau and Suffolk counties could be altered significantly during the post-COVID-19 economy. On September 15, 2020, the LIRPC released a study analyzing how major land uses… …Continue Reading
Village of Farmingdale Economic and Fiscal Impact Analyses
View the full report here. The Incorporated Village of Farmingdale has gone through a renaissance over the past decade and serves as a model for future downtown revitalizations across Long Island. The short-term negative economic impact from COVID-19 could result in long-term economic growth in Farmingdale and other communities as more people seek suburban living… …Continue Reading