The Long Island Regional Planning Council designated the Heartland Town Square a Project of Regional Significance in 2008. Heartland Town Square, a new planned mixed use community in Brentwood that can help address the region’s shortage of rental housing and has the potential to attract commercial activity offering additional jobs. The project has been discussed… …Continue Reading
“Walk Up Wake Up Call” Presentation Makes the Case for “Walkable Urbanism” on LI
The case for creating more walkable urban communities on Long Island is made in the attached Walk Up Wake Up Call presentation. The economic performance of walkable urban models in downtown suburban areas far exceeds the drivable suburban model upon which most of Long Island was developed. Data supplied by the Center for Real Estate… …Continue Reading
The National Center for Suburban Studies hosts the Suburban Sustainability Symposium
The National Center for Suburban Studies Suburban Sustainability Symposium addressed how our society can survive problems such as global climate change, pollution, water scarcity, and environmental justice challenges. The symposium attended by hundreds of leading scientists, policy makers, advocates and students addressed environmental challenges, the changing landscape, housing and transportation in the suburbs. John Cameron,… …Continue Reading