The Long Island Regional Planning Council approved an agreement with the Center for Urban Research, CUNY Graduate Center, to enhance the Long Island Zoning Atlas, a comprehensive online tool which provides detailed information for each of the 1,200 individual zoning districts across Long Island’s 13 towns, two cities, and almost 90+ incorporated villages.
The Long Island Zoning Atlas is an innovative online platform, the first of its kind in New York State, providing data on all aspects of zoning in all municipalities across Long Island. It helps stakeholders understand how these zoning patterns can limit, or facilitate, the production of diverse housing options for people of all income levels, age and demographic groups, family types, and accessibility needs.
The atlas debuted in December 2023 as a collaboration between Community Development Long Island, the Rauch Foundation, New York Community Trust Long Island and CUNY Graduate Center.
With the zoning atlas you can:
find out which zones allow or prohibit different types of housing;
see what legislative & special taxation districts overlap with each zone;
access your municipality’s zoning ordinance online;
access FEMA flood hazard areas that can inform discussions on the risks of development.
As part of its contract, the coalition of nonprofits and the CUNY Graduate Center managing the atlas will add more details about Long Island’s more than 100 overlay districts — areas that have special zoning rules — and a print feature that would allow users to present the map offline in reports or government testimony. The upgrades will also include demographic data from the U.S. Census and updated geographic boundaries for fire, water, police, school and ambulance service districts.