The Long Island Regional Planning Council is inviting proposals from qualified candidates to act as a consultant(s), providing direct assistance, research, and administration for the pilot phase of the Nitrogen Smart Communities program.
The LIRPC, in partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation developed the Nitrogen Smart Communities (NSC) program to address nitrogen pollution in the surface and groundwaters of Long Island. NSC encourages municipalities in Nassau and Suffolk counties to take meaningful and effective actions to reduce, prevent or eliminate nitrogen pollution in Long Island’s waters through community-specific plans of action. The primary focus of the consulting services will include assisting participating municipalities with identifying their unique sources of nitrogen and then working to reduce, prevent or eliminate nitrogen pollution through community-specific plans of action. The NSC program aims to improve the quality of surface water and groundwater – and, subsequently, improve ecological integrity, public health, coastal resiliency, economy, and overall quality of life on Long Island.
The complete Request for Proposal can be viewed here: Nitrogen Smart Communities Request for Proposal (1/4/2023)
Proposals will be received until February 15, 2023.
To learn more about the Nitrogen Smart Communities program, visit the webpage, email Rachel Titus at [email protected], or call 516-571-7613.
Responses to Inquiries
What is the total budget for the consulting services? There is no recommended budget. Please submit your best cost proposal. We will contract with the vendor that best meets the requirements of the RFP and not necessarily with the lowest cost proposer.
Is there a specific time when the proposal is due on February 15th? Proposals are due by 11:59PM on February 15, 2023.
Has a schedule for RFP review and consultant selection been developed and can it be shared with potential consultant teams? The schedule for review and selection committee have not been finalized at this time.
Is there an anticipated start date? The anticipated start date is the 2nd half of 2023.
Is there an anticipated length of project? The anticipated length of the project is two years.
Are the Attachment A pages included in the 25-page limit? Attachment A pages are excluded from the 25-page limit.
Is the Certification part of Attachment A? Certification is excluded from the 25-page limit.
Are resumes included in the 25-page limit? Resumes are excluded from the 25-page limit.
Has a budget for conducting this project been approved by the LIRPC? Funding for this project has been approved.
Has a budget range been identified/targeted for this project? A budget range has not been identified. Please submit your best cost proposal. We will contract with the vendor that best meets the requirements of the RFP and not necessarily with the lowest cost proposer.
Was grant funding received to support this project? Yes.
Have the two pilot communities been selected? Both municipalities will be located on the Long Island Sound, with one municipality in Nassau County and one municipality in Suffolk County.
Insurance requirements for MWBE- requiring small MWBEs to carry the insurance required is onerous. Can some of these requirements be waived provided the main contractor provides such insurance? If not, will the main contractor cover the MWBE for any of these requirements? The main contractor can provide the insurance requirements for all subcontractors.
Are there incentives for communities to participate in the Nitrogen Smart Community Program? The participation incentive is being viewed as a leader on Long Island for clean water, as well as investing in economic growth which will benefit tourism, fishing, boating, and property values.
Does business history and cert count as pages? Is cert part of attachment A? Business History and Certification are excluded from the 25-page limit. The certification is part of Attachment A.
Can the terms and conditions of the contract be negotiated? Section 6.1 of the Request for Proposals states “The LIRPC reserves the right to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract with the selected firm.” There is opportunity to discuss terms with the selected firm.