July 19, 2018
Question: Will the RFQ consider schools within the tri-state area that are not on Long Island as “area colleges” described in Section 3.2.2?
Answer: Yes
Question: Is there a desired end product, in addition to biannual reporting?
Answer: For this phase of the project there will be one report due.
Question: Is a private consultant qualified to respond as a lead with a citizen science and environmental organization, municipality, or college partner?
Answer: Yes
June 25, 2018
Question: Re Section 1.2.1 (Eligible Applicants): Is a private consultant qualified to respond as a subconsultant to a citizen science and environmental organizations, municipalities, or colleges partner?
Answer: Yes
Questions: Re: Section 1.2.2, second bullet under “For monitoring submissions”. Is this referring to existing monitoring locations, parameters and schedule that an organization may have for 2018/2019 or is this a request for a proposed sampling design and schedule?
Answer: Either existing and or proposed monitoring locations parameters, and schedules can be can be submitted.
Question: It appears that this RFQ is also looking for methods, plans (scopes), and unit rates but not full costs; please confirm.
Answer: Respondents should submit unit rates, not cost proposals. Full cost proposals will be requested only after project and participant selections are made.
Question: If an entity is not already performing monitoring in the region, is that a severe detriment?
Answer: No
Question: Is lab certification required?
Answer: No
Question: Data Analysis/Storage/Mapping (GIS): is the RFQ requesting data hosting/data portal/web-based GIS, or is there already an entity that serves as a data host?
Answer: There is not currently an entity serving as a data host. The Long Island Regional Planning Council will consult with the Unified Water Study to establish uniform field and data recording requirements.